Nandrolone Phenylpropionate vial
10 ml x 100mg/ml

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Overview
Active Ingredient: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Type: Anabolic Steroid (19-nortestosterone derivative)
Form: Injectable
Nandrolone, with its alternative name, 19-nortestosterone, is a naturally occurring anabolic steroid in humans under conditions of intense physical exertion or during pregnancy. Its principal metabolite, 19-norandrosterone, has been detected in urine but only in trace amounts.
Structurally, the absence of a carbon atom at the 19th position makes nandrolone distinct from testosterone and likens it more to progestins. This structural similarity results in a significantly lesser androgenic impact compared to testosterone, but it does have the potential for unique side effects due to progesterone receptor stabilization.
Unlike testosterone which, when acted upon by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, turns into the potent androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT), nandrolone transforms into the mild androgen, dihydronandrolone. This property renders nandrolone an apt option for male athletes who have prostate concerns.
Owing to its subdued androgenic activity, side effects like acne, hair loss, and body hair growth are infrequently observed with nandrolone usage. These effects might, however, surface if users significantly exceed the recommended dosages.
Nandrolone showcases a 6-fold lesser tendency to convert to estrogens than testosterone. This occurs without the involvement of aromatase. As the primary site of conversion, adipose tissue remains largely untouched by this process, the estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and fluid accumulation in nandrolone users are minimal, becoming pronounced only at extremely high dosages.
Such attributes make nandrolone one of the top choices amongst anabolic steroids for muscle mass enhancement. An added advantage is its minimal rollback phenomenon after discontinuation.
Key Benefits:
- Marked muscle growth with minimal post-cycle loss
- Strengthening of bones and ligaments
- Accelerated skin regeneration and collagen synthesis
- Joint pain alleviation due to increased synovial fluid production
- Enhanced red blood cell production, ensuring better oxygen transport, improved cellular respiration, and heightened endurance
- Immune system fortification, particularly beneficial for AIDS patients
- Estradiol conversion without the mediation of the aromatase enzyme
- Boosted absorption of amino acids and other vital nutrients in the intestines
Potential Adverse Effects:
- Progestin activity, characterized by binding to progestin receptors, which can heighten prolactin levels, suppress gonadotropic hormones, and lead to reduced endogenous testosterone production. This may also result in slight fat accumulation and, on rare occasions, gynecomastia.
- Other side effects include increased blood pressure, abdominal discomfort, mood fluctuations, consistent headaches, and depressive tendencies.
- Rarer side effects encompass severe headaches, pronounced back pain, and gynecomastia.
Suggested Dosage:
- Elderly patients seeking relief from joint pain or bolstering bone strength: 50-150 mg weekly, spanning 5-10 weeks.
- For muscle mass enhancement: Typically 200-800 mg weekly. A general regimen incorporates 400 mg of nandrolone with 500 mg of testosterone weekly.
Pharmacokinetic Profile:
Half-life: 2-4 days
Administration frequency: Bi-weekly
Nandrolone phenylpropionate, with its relatively short half-life, is apt for shorter bulking cycles. A standard nandrolone course lasts between 8-10 weeks. Athletes, based on their experience and objectives, might extend this duration up to six months, raising the dosage progressively. Beginners should cap their cycles to 8 weeks, barring any adjunct medications. For extended cycles, integration of chorionic gonadotropin is advocated. If hCG isn't administered during a long cycle, it should be introduced post the cycle and pre-PCT.
Pharmaceutical Formulation:
A viscous solution designed for intramuscular injections.
- Pregnancy
- Recognized or potential prostate or breast cancer
- Lactating women
- Sensitivity to the primary component or any adjunct ingredients
- Elevated serum calcium levels
Storage Guidelines:
- Ensure it's out of children's access.
- Retain in a cool, dry ambiance away from sunlight.
- Optimal storage is at standard room temperature.
- Refrain from use post the indicated expiration date.