Drostanolone Propionate vial
10 ml x 100mg/ml

Drostanolone Propionate Overview
Active Ingredient: Drostanolone Propionate
Type: Anabolic Steroid (DHT Derivative)
Form: Injectable
Carrier Oil: Sesame Oil
Drostanolone, is known for its prominent androgenic and moderate anabolic effects. It stands out as it doesn't undergo aromatization in the body, but rather acts as a mild aromatase inhibitor. Being rooted from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), it mirrors this hormone's biological functions. Its medical application was primarily for treating breast cancer in women. However, due to the elevated risk of virilization, its current use in this capacity has dwindled. The steroid's resistance to aromatase prevents it from converting to estradiol.
Its affinity for androgen receptors, particularly in the muscles, prostate, and scalp, can lead to potential side effects. These might include hair loss, an enlarged prostate, and increased body hair growth. Its lineage from DHT also allows it to indirectly curb estradiol activity, showcasing its antiestrogenic attributes. Athletes on stringent cutting diets prize Masteron for its 'motivational drive', which counters the typical decline in strength and morale experienced from low carbohydrate intake.
Within the realm of bodybuilding, Masteron is revered for enhancing muscle definition without inducing water retention. Its slight diuretic effect further augments this feature, assisting in sculpting a chiseled athletic physique. Additionally, its ability to incinerate fat can result in a 5-10% reduction from the original fat mass. It's essential to note, though, that its anabolic index lags behind testosterone, translating to heightened androgenic side effects.
Dosage Recommendations
For the best outcomes, weekly dosages of 300-500 mg are advised. Those on hormone replacement therapy might utilize Masteron to decrease SHBG, thereby amplifying free testosterone levels. When juxtaposed with other SHBG-reducing DHT derivatives, Masteron is perceived to be more elusive in doping tests. Typical dosages span between 75-200 mg weekly, contingent on the end goal. Common dosage stratifications include:
- Beginner: 50 mg EOD
- Intermediate: 100 mg EOD
- Advanced: 50+ mg ED
Prominent Effects
- Augmented strength and lean muscle growth
- Rapid recovery periods
- Effective fat combustion
- Aromatization prevention
Potential Side Effects
- Natural testosterone production suppression
- Fertility decrement
- Hematocrit level spike
- Hypertension
- Acne outbreaks
- Onset of baldness
- Lipid profile deterioration
- Half-Life: Approximately 20 hours
- Injection Frequency: Every 1-2 days
Pharmaceutical Formulation
Drostanolone Propionate is presented as an oily solution intended for intramuscular administration.
- Pregnancy
- Confirmed or suspected breast/prostate cancer
- Lactation period
- Allergic reactions to the active ingredient or any additive components
- High serum calcium levels
Storage Directives
- Store inaccessible to children
- Position in a cool, dry location shielded from direct sun rays
- Retain at ambient room temperatures
- Discard post expiry date.