60 tablets x 25 mg/tab

Active Ingredient: Mesterolone
Type: Anabolic Steroids (DHT Derivative)
Form: Oral Tablets
Mesterolone is an androgenic steroid exhibiting low anabolic and moderate androgenic properties. In the bodybuilding realm, it's often incorporated during anabolic steroid cycles to address various challenges.
This compound enhances androgen concentration by binding to SHBG, thereby boosting the efficacy of the cycle. However, research indicates that Mesterolone doesn't aid in restoring testosterone secretion, unlike some other compounds.
Due to its notable affinity for plasma binding proteins like SHBG, Mesterolone might amplify the activity of other steroids by moving a higher percentage into a free, unbound state. Among athletes, it's primarily employed to elevate androgen levels during diet phases or contest preparations and as an anti-estrogen owing to its inherent capability to counteract the aromatase enzyme.
It can enhance libido and erection quality, with minimal suppression of natural testosterone levels. It's often chosen by individuals during post-cycle therapy or when experiencing certain syndromes, aiming for improved sexual performance and heightened libido with few side effects.
In instances where Mesterolone induces priapism (extended painful erection), its dosage should be adjusted or entirely halted. The compound doesn't undergo aromatization in the body and isn't appreciably estrogenic. Hence, there's no need for an anti-estrogen when using this steroid, as it's unlikely to manifest gynecomastia, water retention, or other estrogen-linked side effects.
Mesterolone is believed to serve as an anti-aromatase in the body, thwarting or slowing the transformation of steroids into estrogen. The outcome is somewhat akin to certain other anti-estrogenic compounds, albeit less intense.
In moderate doses (150 mg daily or less), Mesterolone has shown to exert a very weak suppressive impact on gonadotropins and serum testosterone.
How to Use
For addressing androgen deficiencies, the typical regimen starts with one tablet (25 mg) taken two to three times daily. Maintenance involves a reduced dosage, typically one tablet (25 mg) once or twice daily.
Athletes generally consume between 50 mg and 150 mg of Mesterolone daily, spread across two to six 25 mg tablets. This regimen usually spans 6-12 weeks, sufficient to discern the therapeutic benefits.
To enhance sperm quality and count, doses of 25-50 mg daily are common. The compound offsets androgen deficits, promoting the growth of male reproductive organs and secondary sexual traits. It also boosts libido, potency, showcases anabolic properties, and stimulates red blood cell production.
- High affinity for Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
- Elevates serum levels of anabolic/androgenic steroids
- No aromatization, eliminating estrogenic side effects
- Aromatase enzyme inhibition, reducing aromatization
- Enhanced libido and fertility
- Improved erectile function and overall sexual performance
- Minimal suppression of testosterone production
Side Effects
- Oily skin
- Acne outbreaks
- Increased body/facial hair
- Male pattern baldness
- In females, potential virilizing effects and clitoral enlargement
- Shift in cholesterol values towards increased arteriosclerosis risk
- Pregnancy
- Known/suspected prostate or breast carcinoma
- Lactation
- Allergy or sensitivity to the primary compound or its constituents
- Elevated blood calcium levels
Storage Instructions
- Store out of children's reach
- Preserve in a cool, dry environment, shielded from direct sunlight
- Store under room conditions
- Avoid usage post the expiration date