Drostanolone Enanthate ampoules
10 x 1 ml 200mg/ml

Drostanolone Enanthate Quick Overview
Active Compound: Drostanolone Enanthate
Category: Anabolic Steroid (Derived from DHT)
Administration: Injection
Base Carrier: Sesame Oil
Product Synopsis
Drostanolone, often referred to as Masteron, has prominent androgenic effects with moderate anabolic traits. Unique to Drostanolone is its non-conversion to estrogens; it even somewhat inhibits aromatase. Being a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative, it closely reflects DHT's characteristics.
Initially prescribed for breast cancer treatments, its current medical use is limited due to virilization risks. Being immune to aromatase, it doesn't convert to estradiol.
Its affinity extends not just to muscle androgen receptors but also those in the prostate and scalp, leading to side-effects like increased body hair, potential balding, and prostate enlargement. Its DHT-derived indirect anti-estrogenic action is also significant.
Popular among bodybuilders, Drostanolone is cherished for its diuretic traits that prevent fluid retention, promoting muscle definition. It's highly praised for defining physique, especially before competitions, and can reduce fat content by 5-10%.
Its lower anabolic index compared to testosterone is counteracted by its remarkable fat-burning properties. However, it does come with elevated androgenic side effect risks: increased aggression, possible acne, potential baldness, prostate enlargement, and virilization in females.
Administration Recommendations
To maximize its benefits, a weekly dosage of 300-500 mg is optimal. Drostanolone can lower SHBG levels, making it favorable for those undergoing hormone therapy. It's considered milder than other DHT derivatives like stanozolol and is trickier to detect in doping tests, but detection methods are always advancing.
Dosage Tiers:
- Novice: 200 mg/week
- Intermediate: 300-600 mg/week
- Advanced: 600 mg or more/week
Key Outcomes
- Boosted muscle strength and lean muscle development
- Quickened recovery durations
- Fat reduction
- Absence of aromatization
Potential Side Effects
- Suppression of natural testosterone production
- Reduced fertility rates
- Increased hematocrit levels
- High blood pressure
- Acne onset
- Potential hair loss
- Negative impacts on lipid profiles
Drug Specifications
- Duration of Effect: Half-life of 4-5 days
- Injection Interval: Every 4-7 days
- Ester Information: Enanthate, a long-term ester, remains effective for 2-3 weeks, with a half-life of 6-7 days. Injections are typically once to twice weekly to maintain stable drug levels.
Pharmaceutical Properties
An oily solution meant for intramuscular injection.
Those advised against use include:
- Pregnant individuals
- People diagnosed or suspected of having breast or prostate cancer
- Breastfeeding mothers
- Those allergic to Drostanolone or its components
- Individuals with high blood calcium levels
Storage Instructions
- Keep out of children's reach
- Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight
- Maintain at room temperature
- Use before the stated expiration date